Saturday, 18 January 2014

Samples wanted!!!

We have our first papercraft expo coming up next month in Melbourne.
Had an idea for it!

I am putting out the call for samples for the expo.
If you are interested, I would send out the above package to you to play with.
The kit includes stencils, specialty foils, words and shapes from card stock
and chipboard, embossed paper and embossed suede paper.
You can use as many or as little of the items, change 'em up as you like.
I would love to see how the different items will be used.
Let me know that you are interested, and I will mail them out to you.
You will need to have the LO or card back to me by the 20th of February, the latest.
The projects will be displayed at the expo along with your name.
(you can also supply your blog address if you like)
The project will remain with us for further expo displays and advertising.
Jump in...


  1. Received kit & making cards as you are reading this :)

  2. I would love to if you would let me. I am in USA though but I would mail my sample back to you.

    1. Not a problem Kim. Just send me your address and will ship off asap.
      You can contact me on my email,


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